Brenda Grimm, Tue, Feb 21, 2006, 1:41am
Just wanted to say I really enjoy this web site .Also I'm looking forward to meeting you all in the coming weeks,My prayer is that God will countine to bless this Church and He will as long as we stay in the center of his will.Keep up the good work and don't grow weary in well doing, Always a friend In Christ Jesus
Brenda Grimm
Staffordsville Ky,
Chris Handshoe, Sun, Feb 12, 2006, 6:33am
It was nice going through old memories. I was baptised and came to know Christ in Hueysville Church of Christ in 1974. Seeing the drawing of the old church and reading it's history brought back a lot of memories. Thanks to Fred Klatka and Rondall Hayes who helped build a foundation that has lasted a lifetime for me, my life is much different than it otherwise would have been. I pray God will continue to bless this church.
Chris Handshoe
Ashland, Kentucky
Anonymous, Mon, Jan 30, 2006, 11:03am
Nice website. There is much useful, informative and true information.
Keep up the good work.
Anonymous, Sat, Jan 28, 2006, 1:01pm
Carmen Dango Allen
Louisville, Ky.
Henry and Rebecca Noon, Thu, Jan 26, 2006, 4:41pm
Henry and Rebecca Noon
Sassafrass, Kentucky
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